Credits - the garden was created entirely with the help of the following
Holiday Inns (sponsors) Malcom Fowler - illustrator - for his amazing vizualization of the allotment Chris - Positive Tree Care Oxford - tree-surgeon &
carpenter for the living willow structure John & Chris for gardening services (the heavy work) Janie
for inspiration and beautiful knots Mrs Luthfunnassa Khanom for encouragement, gardening wisdom and many of the beautiful
vegetables also Mrs Nessa, Mrs Khatum & Mrs Uddin for growing the beautiful amaranth for the show Jhorna,
George, Maryse & Karen & Neville and other members of Adelaide Community Garden Club who helped Pru of 'Declinature'
(next door garden) for her help in finishing touches Julie at Finchley Nurseries (Burton Hole Lane, Mill Hill) - for propagating extra gourds Golders Hill Park for supplying extra long bamboo canes Rob at Palm Centre Richmond for donating edible bamboo shoots Luftun Hussain atSpitalfields City Farm for advice and amaranth Thea at BBC for her support and encouragement Mandy & Steve at RHS Quenten for
customizing pallettes Roly and Sue for propagating extra coriander