Bangladeshi Allotment a3landscape were
awarded RHS silver medal at 2010 Hampton Court Palace Flower Show for the design and build of 'Bangladeshi Allotment', "a garden after my own heart" to quote Alys Fowler (BBC Gardeners' World) click
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Click here for Bangladeshi Allotment photo-gallery

RHS show catalogue said."high quality design (in)...a small cubic parterre" The Garden magazine said "..a certain charm.."
The Sunday Telegraph said "..a parterre with a difference.." Enduring Gardener said "..looked like the real thing.." OSS Watch said "..an example of open innovation .." Kitchen Garden Blog said."..probably my favourite small garden..." The Lady magazine said "..a remarkable
little plot...beautiful as well as useful....it demonstrates that satisfaction as well as virtue can be derived from improvization
and contrivance instead of conspicuous consumption"
The allotment of tropical vegetables, was created
with the help of Bangladeshi members of Adelaide Community Garden Club in London and sponsored by Holiday Inns. It was one of five sustainable gardens selected for the show and was
the subject of a BBC2 gardening documentary. Jeff Travers the garden's designer said on TV..."we can all
learn from sustainable Bangladeshi permaculture techniques passed down through generations" ....and refers to the show allotment as..."guerilla
vegetable gardening on an architectural scale within a commercial flower show....ramshackle potager of sticks and string at the palace gates ....making a stand for productive community gardens to replace second-rate
municipal landscaping"